I must have put my cat Gyzmo to sleep in 2007, I didn’t know animal communication at the time, which I regret as it would have helped Gyzmo and me. I recently reached out to Christine (who had already helped me a lot with other cats) to ask if it wasn’t too late to contact him in the afterlife. She confirmed to me that it was still possible, to my great joy, and that she would arrange to make a communication with him. A few days later, she called me to report it. She had managed to describe to me perfectly my little Gyzmo, his character, his place of life, and the result of this communication relieved me, because I had very badly lived his departure at the time. Having to put him to sleep at only 5½ years old had been a huge shock to me. It had been since 2007 (14 years) that I felt guilty for having offered him such a short and not very happy life (at least that’s what I thought). As I spoke with Christine, I felt more and more relieved and the words she told me about Gyzmo, that he was on a mission and was destined for a short life, took a load off me. huge and I’ve been feeling a lot better since then. Christine knew how to ask him the right questions, the ones I hadn’t necessarily thought about, asked him mine and conveyed my message, as well as Gyzmo’s, to me. It was a pleasure chatting with her on the phone, deciphering this communication, we laughed a lot, I understood a lot about Gyzmo and it was a great time and a kind of release for me. Thank you to Christine for her professionalism, her kindness, her investment and her availability. I am happy to know her and to know that I will always be able to contact her, if necessary, for communications with my two current little felines! (Translated from French)